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Tourism Quality

Tourism Quality

a state brand

In order to always better welcome tourists and improve the quality of tourism services in France, the French government has created the Qualité Tourisme™ brand.

Following an audit conducted on January 7 and 8, 2021, Creusot Montceau Tourisme has been awarded the Qualité Tourisme mark for a period of three years. This label attests that the Tourist Office is committed to a voluntary approach to improve the welcome of its customers and enhance the quality of tourist services in its area of competence. The Tourist Office is supported in its application by the Mission d’Accompagnement, de Soutien et de Conseil aux Offices de Tourisme de Bourgogne-France-Comté.

As part of its Quality policy, Creusot Montceau Tourisme is committed to ensuring :

  • a warm welcome ;
  • attentive staff ;
  • fluency in foreign languages;
  • personalized services;
  • clear and precise information;
  • cleanliness and comfort;
  • the discovery of a destination;
  • your opinion taken into account.